Here we have a very unusual, more stylized than normal piece from the great Steve Ditko, done for Charlton in 1959. Joe Kubert's influence is obvious in the old man's face but everything else seems to have a strong but little seen Bernie Krigstein influence to me. Although far from realistic, the title horse here is amazing looking!
Hi Steve, this is way cool, a Ditko I do not ever remember seeing before (thought I have had them ALL before). Prithee, w32hich issue number is this from?
Oh, what was throwing me is Overstreet lists it as Black Jack - without the Rocky Lane. There are several stories in Black Jack issues. I thought there was a "new" one on me. Has been a long time since I have had any issues of Black Jack, now to go re-hunt them down -:)
Hi Steve, this is way cool, a Ditko I do not ever remember seeing before (thought I have had them ALL before). Prithee, w32hich issue number is this from?
ROCKY LANE'S BLACK JACK # 26, February, 1939. Definitely a new favorite for me from Mr. D in that era.
Oh, what was throwing me is Overstreet lists it as Black Jack - without the Rocky Lane. There are several stories in Black Jack issues. I thought there was a "new" one on me. Has been a long time since I have had any issues of Black Jack, now to go re-hunt them down -:)
1959, not 1939.
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