Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Air-Sub DX-Carl Burgos-1939

Is it just me or is this better artwork than Burgos generally provided for his signature HUMAN TORCH strip that started around the same time?


  1. It's not just you! I thought the very same thing as I looked at the first page. In fact, a few panels make me wonder if Bill Everett might have done a small art assist. (That would explain the higher quality of the artwork.) Since this was a Centaur feature, and they worked together even then, I'm seriously wondering if such was the case. Do you think it's possible?

    1. Definitely possible. One can see at the very least a clear and obvious Everertt influence. Look at that last panel!

    2. Yep, it's that last page that made me wonder (the panel you mention and the underwater sequence, of course,haha), so I re-read the whole thing and became even more certain.

  2. Four tiers and a row of miscellaneous header panels!

  3. This is an unusual one alright! Those tall pages! I think you have indeed pointed out a story that both Burgos and Everett worked on...It is often so subtle to detect but here is one where they are both visible.
