Sunday, August 27, 2017

Favorite Artists-Howard Post-The End of Hector the Spectre-1954

For our last day, I've decided to revisit some of the many enjoyable comics artists whose work I have personally discovered through doing this blog.  
And this is our final post.
It's been fun, educational, and I hope as entertaining for you as it has been for me. Everything will stay up, at least for now, so tell your friends to check out FOUR COLOR SHADOWS!


  1. Thanks, Steven for your years of working on your various blogs. I checked them all out at one time or another, but this was always my favorite for the wide variety of stories you would post. I hope you get re-energized and post more down the road. Till then I'll look you up on Facebook. Good luck in your future endeavors.

  2. Farewell, Steve. You've given us tons of great material over the years.

  3. As your fist commenter says above, I too have taken a look at all your blogs, and followed some regularly, but I have to say that this was my own favorite, too. Such a variety of offerings! Best of luck in your future endeavors.

    Thanks in particular for posting the so-called "true" story of Batman and Robin. You saved me from finding the actual comic book and spending a fortune.

  4. Thank you for all good moments and fun you gave to us.

  5. Thank you for all the good moments and fun you gave to us.

  6. Thank you SO much for all of your work here! So many fun reads, discoveries, and gorgeous artworks. Cheers to ya!

  7. I have only been here about a year, found it by doing research on Thor, and found your posting of that amazing pre-Kirby Thor story. So much fun.

    I found out about Marvel comics in 1969, and have been a fan of comics ever since, though I haven't read a new one in years, and I just wanted to say thank you so much for this truly wonderful blog. I have read so many comics that I just would never have come across.

    Thanks again, and wishing you the best of luck.

  8. I have spend quite a few posts on my blog on these stories and who may have drawn them. It certainly isn't Howie Post. There is nothing in his work in this style. I think I found the artist, when I came across a strip in the American Air Force Features called Pvt. Gooch signed Jess Benton. Benton is a lesser known artist whose only other known credit is the Li'l Abner in the 18th century looking late forties newspaper strip Jasper Jooks. Look for yourself: Since then Jim Vadeboncoeur Jr. has suggested the Hector artist is Clem Weisbecker and offered some of his work in the early fifties as evidence ( And the likeness is there. But it also turned out that the Clembecker identification is from Jim himself and it actually looks nothing like his work from the forties ( Could Jim be wrong and could the fifties (Fawcett) work be by Benton as well?
