Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Joe Palooka-"Ham Fisher"-1946

It's Boxing Day so logically we present the most famous boxer in the history of comics, Joe Palooka! Of course, since Boxing Day isn't really about pugilism, neither is this particular adventure, part of a long, involved wartime story with some wonderful art and continuity by creator Ham Fisher's ghost of the moment. Note the female lead's NUDE SCENE!! Not something one sees everyday in a Harvey comic! This series reprinted the newspaper strips so these probably saw print originally a year or two earlier.


1 comment:

  1. The art looks to be the work of Fisher's long time "assistant" Moe Leff, who had been Al Capp's assistant on "li'l Abner", until Fisher stole him away in 1940 or so, a move that was a contributing factor in their ever-escalating feud between the two cartoonist.
