Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Red Comet-Alex Blum-1940

There seemed to be an awful lot of shirtless male heroes in the forties. Not to mention all those bare legs. Bet they got cold in the Winters. This guy's power is that he can grow to giant size. So logically he calls himself The Red Comet.

1 comment:

  1. " There seemed to be an awful lot of shirtless male heroes in the forties. "

    Well, that was the era when men swam together without bathing suits in the YMCA pools, boys were suspicious of the fella who wouldn't skinnydip with them in the local pond, and tough men boxed bare-knuckle without protective gear.

    You want something really scary to think about:
    all these shirtless heroes are running around in the days when Real Men(TM) never wore any sort of deodorant except for a wedding!
