Friday, April 20, 2012

Looie Lazybones-Frank Frazetta-1949

Frank "Fritz" Frazetta drew this LI'L ABNER type strip in the late forties before he went on to ghost ABNER itself. We ran one  awhile back here to great acclaim and are happy to report that if you want to read all of Frank's LOOIE LAZYBONES strips you have no further to look than Craig Yoe's brand new book, FRAZETTA FUNNY STUFF. I helped out on the book and, as such, got an advance look at a  copy yesterday and it is, as always from Yoebooks, quite a lovely thing indeed!

Check your local comic shop or order from the Amazon link below! It's a side of the great fantasy artist one rarely thinks about but he, himself, always said the humor strips were "the real Frazetta!"

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