Sunday, January 29, 2012

Battle Flag of the Foreign Legion-Alex Toth-1950

So many of the DC artists of the 1940's evolved so rapidly that by the end of the decade they were light years ahead of their earlier work. This was never more true of anyone than of Alex Toth, seen here in a 1950 issue of DC's DANGER TRAIL with some absolutely stunning art and letter-perfect storytelling.


  1. Thanks so much for this one. I never see a new--to me--Toth story but I come away thinking "THAT'S the way to do comics!"

  2. The jaw-dropping art and layouts jazz up what would've been a "blah" story if drawn by a lesser artist. Thanks for unearthing this dosage of Alex Toth!

  3. The Great Alex Toth, supreme in composition and simplicity.
