Friday, November 18, 2011

Inferior man-Al Stahl-1943

Al Stahl did a ton of these smoothly drawn humor pieces and characters, mostly for Quality, and here's another. INFERIOR MAN was a back-up in FEATURE COMICS in the mid-forties. Stahl would eventually start his own animation studio which he ran into the 1990's.


  1. Thanks for bringing these classics back to life! I had never seen them before!

    Dick Stahl (Al's son)....

  2. I met Al on many occasions. He would often come to Picsonic productions to get dubs made back in the early to mid 90's. He was a great guy and we all liked him a lot. He ddrw a personalized drawing of Popeye for me that I still cherish.

  3. I found a drawing (that appears to be an original) of Popeye done by Al Stahl in "89 (or "87 hard to tell)... It was in my parents belongings and while we talked about most everything I never heard either of them mention it. My father owned/operated a music store in the Pacific Palisades, CA and had many customers in the entertainment industry who frequented his store. He also enlisted in the Army in WWII and came ashore at Utah beach on D-day. I have no idea how the drawing came into my folks' possession - I am guessing it would have been my father who it was given to. It is very simple but pretty cool - just on a plain white paper done in black marker and I am glad I have it. Is there anyone who would like to have it when I move on to another world??? Very glad this site helped me know more about Al Stahl.. thanks to all involved.

    1. I would love to have it. Email, please

      John Jensen
