Friday, April 1, 2011

Heavens To Betsy-Club 16-1948

This 1948 teen humor piece looks a bit like early Al Feldstein to me but I can't find anything that goes on record to that effect so we post it as yet another unknown Golden Age artist. I love this guy's expressionistic faces though.


  1. This is pretty cool, Steve--what title was this published in? Looks like a Timely story....

  2. CLUB 16 says on its cover "A FAMOUS FUNNIES PRODUCTION"

  3. The artist is Robotman's Jimmy Thompson.

  4. I've posted some Jimmy Thompson BETSY stories on my blog:

    But this art style doesn't quite match the signed stories. Not sure it's Thompson -- unless he's just being very inconsistent about Betsy's look.. I can say with certainty that it isn't Feldstein -- it's too loose and rubbery.

  5. Jimmy Thompson has signed work in other issues of the title (as well as covers) but this isn't signed. Doesn't mean it isn't him but...
