Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Borrowed Face-Dave Gibbons-1975

Here we have a much newer story than we normally share but there's a reason for that. If you're like many comics fans, you still think of artist/writer Dave Gibbons as one of "the newer guys" but let's face it, even WATCHMEN was 25 years ago! Before that he was already known for his 2000AD work in the UK and GREEN LANTERN in the US. Five years ago, I wrote here about a story Gibbons had in the US semi-pro newspaper THE MONSTER TIMES as early as way, way back in 1974! Still could have counted that one as fan stuff. Here, though, from the back pages of Marvel's GIANT-SIZE CHILLERS in 1975, is a full-blown, full color horror story by an already very impressive Gibbons!

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