Saturday, August 21, 2010

Tim Holt Becomes Red Mask-Frank Bolle-1950

Bill Black has done an excellent job in keeping Tim Holt and Red Mask in the public eye through his publications over the years. Here's Tim's first time in his colorful cowboy alter ego from 1950. Tim Holt was the first B-western star i ever saw and he has been a favorite ever since but in context he was B-level even on the B-western level. The son of actor Jack Holt, Tim occasionally veered into A films such as THE MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS and TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE but spent most of his career riding the range with sidekick Chito Rafferty before ending his career in Z pictures. The art here is by Frank Bolle, an excellent if not particularly adventurous cartoonist who went on to a long career at Gold Key followed by an ever longer career in newspaper comics including a long-running (and still running!) stint on APARTMENT 3-G.

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