Monday, July 12, 2010

Supersnipe-Army and Navy-1942

The paperback edition of the classic comics history/nostalgia volume, ALL IN COLOR FOR A DIME has a color page reprinting the cover of an issue of SUPERSNIPE comics but if the title was featured in the text, I don't recall it. Nor does the title turn up much in any histories except in passing. When I finally discovered some stories, however, SUPERSNIPE became one of my favorite Golden Age strips. Here we have what I believe was his second appearance, from 1942's ARMY & NAVY COMICS which became SUPERSNIPE with the very next issue. George Marcoux is listed as the character's creator and he consistently provides inventive stories and creative art throughout the run as Koppy McFad, the kid with the most comic books in America, himself becomes a junior grade superhero. Note publisher Street & Smith's flagship pulp and comics heroes, Doc Savage and the Shadow hoisting Koppy in the splash!

1 comment:

  1. Hm. We seem to be missing page 26 (the second page of the story)?
