Friday, February 21, 2020

Impossible, But...-Steve Ditko-1958

Here goes Mr. Ditko again, experimenting with the medium of comics.


  1. The late fifties were when Ditko was really coming into his own, both at the pre-Marvel and here at Charlton.

    If I understand correctly, at Charlton he was getting full scripts from Joe Gill, but after writing (and assumedly getting paid) Gill apparently didn't care what the artists did with them. And that on top of Charlton editors accepting everything as is with no corrections requested.

    Rather a contrast by any description from what was the Marvel style, and Ditko was doing great work at both.

  2. Interesting work from Ditko. Not sure if it works, it seems a bit scattered and the flow isn't strong, but I always appreciate trying to stretch the medium and Ditko was always a master of form and action.

  3. The art was nice, I'm not sure it worked either, but it sure is experimental. I couldn't imagine Kirby trying this.

    Thanks for posting this.
