Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Deathless Deer-Alicia Patterson/Neysa McMein-1942

Here's an interesting one. It's an early strip done by women and featuring a strong woman. It's just a terrible strip. It's interesting mainly because it was promoted by Captan Joseph Patterson, the man behind many a classic comic strip such as DICK TRACY. The author here was, on fact, Patterson's daughter! Here are the first few weeks of daily strips. You can read the whole sad story of the strip from Ger Apeldoorn here and also see some examples of the color Sunday version. Deathless Deer only lasted a year, losing papers the entire time.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting read of a short lived forgotten cartoon. I found out about the illustrator Naysa McMein from an episode of Pete Beard's "Unsung Heroes of illustration" series(#27). It starts at 7:35. His video inspired me to look up "Deathless Deer" and I found your site. Thanks for the post.
