Wednesday, March 13, 2019

When Patsy Met Hedy-Al Hartley-1961

By request. Is it just me or does Hedy's mother look a tad old to have a 14 year old daughter? Of course, having Hedy as a daughter could age a person prematurely. 


  1. This same year also gave us the classic Leave it to Beaver episode "In the Soup", in which we get our one and only encounter with Whitey Whitney's mother and father - and they're practically geriatric! They look more like grandparents, even though he addresses them as "Mom" and "Pop".

    Relating to comics, Archie Andrews and Lulu Moppet, among others, also had "'rents" that were not exactly spring chickens. Perhaps Depression-era couples just waited longer to have children - But I'm more inclined to accept your theory.

  2. My own parents were 50 (Dad) and 44 (Mother) when I was born but still looked younger than the comics examples by the time I was a teen.

  3. Thank you! I am the one who requested this story and I am very grateful that you printed it. It sure took Hedy a long time to overcome her prejudice for Patsy...if she ever fully did.:-)
