Monday, February 11, 2019

My Best Friend Told My Secret-Chic Stone-1969

Continuing the black and white trend, here's an unusual one, taken from the full-color comic book, TEEN-IN published by Tower Comics. Most of Stone's solo work from this period was in the sleazier b&w horror mags so it's nice to see this clean, creative usage of the medium. Why it was done this way in a color comic, though, I have no idea.


  1. A rare instance of Samm Schwartz lettering someone else's work.

  2. A lot of Chic Stone's stuff can have good drawing and not so good drawing and often on the same page. He did a uniformly good job with this story. In fact, it has a consistent quality that he didn't really bring to his superhero work for Tower (stress on the 'consistent' part). Was TEEN-IN in a magazine format that paid better money, or do you think that his heart just was more in the romance genre? I don't really think the following would be true, but I'd like to imagine the lack of color was a reward for the better quality art that let him show off what he was really capable of.
