Sunday, October 14, 2018

Betty and Veronica-Bill Woggon-1947

Sometimes the early Betty and Veronica stories could veer really off-model. Remember that these leggy creatures are supposed to be 16 years old. 


  1. Off-model it may be, but there are some well-designed pages here. I like the story, too, though I'd say Bill Woggon's carried over his Katy Keene sensibilities into the Archie world.

  2. "Leggy creatures"! I'm still laughing! That should be the title for the next collection of Betty & Veronica reprints.

    In the world of Archie artists, there appears to have always been this uncertainty as to B&V: Are they funny, yet alluring teenagers, or are they... well, just leggy creatures? Bob Montana seemed to have mastered the best compromise of these attributes in his post-WWII newspaper strips. And in their best days, Lucey and DeCarlo could nail it, too, in the books.

    As for Bill Woggon's take on the girls, I just can't find the words.
