Thursday, October 18, 2018

A Stolen Dream-1967

Seriously, doesn't this weird, flatly drawn romance look almost like the work of pop artist Roy Lichtenstein? It isn't, of course, but GCD doesn't even venture a guess. I consulted a few experts and still no consensus. Roger Brand, perhaps? He was Wally Wood's assistant at the time and would eventually be known for his underground work. Jim Shooter? He was at DC--although in a different editorial department--and he tended to write by drawing his stories out, even though they were usually redrawn by others. Manny Stallman? Mike Royer? Parts look like Jack Abel inks. Any guesses out there?

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking Dick Ayers. I remembered him mentioning he drew one romance story and someone didn't like it- then again, this was at DC in the sixties and so it couldn't be him, right? He never ghosted at DC?
