Wednesday, September 5, 2018

DVD Website Back Up!

Our DVD website is back up after several months down for maintenance. We've removed anything that's since come out commercially and in fact replaced our earlier versions with the legit releases where possible. We've also added the first batch of a huge amount of new rare stuff. We'll be adding more every month going forward. Please take a look! Thanks!


  1. I saw 8th Man episodes on a local UHF station back in the late '60s, early '70s. I can still sing the entire blasted theme song!

    I've always wondered something. Maybe you know the answer. I've heard many slightly-different versions of Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First" routine over the years. They performed it many times. But in one version, Lou says "I don't give a damn!" right near the end of the routine. Since movies, TV, and radio frowned on such language back then, do you (or anybody else reading this comment) know where that particular version came from?

  2. I remember that, too. Could it possibly have come from an armed forces radio transcription or army/navy film short?

  3. There's a video of that version. I believe it was, as guessed, an Armed Forces Radio Network version. A number of those from Benny and Hope and others were filmed and shown to the troops.

  4. Yep, that works! Stuff prepared for servicemen, like the "Private Snafu" cartoons, got away with a lot more than what was prepared for civilians. Thanks, guys.
