Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Whack's Museum-Bill Everett-1953/1974

When I was 15 years old, this Bill Everett reprint turned up in Marvel's Arrgh! It looked like just a reprint anyway, and Roy T's editorial called it a reprint and even today the Grand Comics Database simply says it's a reprint. A closer look however shows a number of changes by unknown hands. Seen here for comparison we have BOTH versions! The first thing you'll note is that the original is 5 pages and the reprint only 4 due to various panels adding up to a page being removed (possibly due to the Code?). More importantly, however, gags were added or changed throughout! "I Like Ike" becomes "All the Way With LBJ" for example. My favorite is the vampire in the splash, labeled "Dracula" in he original but "Barnabus (sic)" in the redo. The weirdest part of that change is that the figure looks more like Barnabas even in the original, about 15 years before Barnabas Collins was even created! How many other changes can you find?

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