Friday, July 13, 2018

GoFundMe Request

First of all this fundraiser is not for me. This is for my friend Alan Bryan. I met Alan when he stayed up all night at his job at the Pentagon reading my blogs some years back now. He's a huge comics, movie, and particularly music buff and an amazingly generous human being in all aspects of that word.

Since I've known him, though, his wife has died, his own health declined, and his job went away, and now, literally on the verge of pulling out of the hole that left him in, he's at risk of losing the home he lives in with his 92 year old father-in-law.

We're perpetually broke but I managed to come up with $50 to donate. Please read his story and if you can, consider a donation of any size so he can get back on his feet.

And whether you can or can't donate, please share this link on Twitter, Facebook, etc. It was my blogs that introduced me to Alan and I'm hoping my blog can help him in his time of need.


Sorry for the interruption.

More comics tomorrow.


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