Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Green Lantern-Paul Reinman-1944

T-4 Days

This is a fun one because it's narrated by a cartoon version of its writer, Alfred Bester, later known as one of THE great science fiction writers! Sheldon Mayer cameos even!


  1. Do me a favor before you put it to bed? could you post a couple of crimson avenger,there are almost none around also a star spangled kid? or tell where they are in WFB?

  2. Steve - that's a really memorable GL story; good choice!

    I just want you to know how much I have enjoyed this blog. Best wishes to you in the future!


  3. Steve,
    Now you have me wondering. Who was Afred Bester's wife?

  4. In 1936, Bester married one Rolly Goulko, an actress who, according to Wikipedia, was the original radio Lois Lane!
