Thursday, August 17, 2017

Closing Soon

With nearly 2500 posts on this blog and over 10,000 total on all my blogs over the past dozen years, I am announcing my retirement from active blogging after next week.

Watch for THE BEST OF BOOKSTEVE'S LIBRARY, coming in book form and collecting some of my best--IMHO--writing from my core blog.

Thanks for all your support!


  1. Sorry to see you go, you made a bright little spot in the morning after the news.
    I wish you well in your 'retirement'.

  2. Wow, I've followed a few of your blogs regularly and visited all the rest off and on, and will definitely miss your unique slant on things.

  3. Good luck and enjoy your retirement

  4. this is the begging of the need for the whole comic book explosion, please don't take down your blogs, three great blogs and so much of my online comic reading are based on then, U cantaffird to downkiad

  5. I appreciate what you have done I do want to thank you, Days of Adventure World's Finest blog and this one, please don't take them down.

  6. Thanks for all the kind words! Plans call for keeping all the remaining ones up as long as they continue to get some traffic. I'll even continue to monitor and respond to the comments and such.

  7. I hope you realize how EDUCATIONAL your blogs have been. And such FUN!

  8. Thanks, Steve, I'll miss your postings. At least we have the solace that you'll be responding to comments. Good luck with your book!

  9. Sorry to lose a pleasant bit of my daily morning-habit but have a good time in "retirement!"

  10. Hey, thanks for everything you've done. I'll miss your posts. Your site has been a bookmark on my computer since I found it. Gonna miss your site. God bless and good health.
