Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Mr. Terrific-Hal Sharp-1943

On nobody's list to call if you need a superhero, I've nonetheless been enamored of Mr. Terrific since I first met him at a JSA/JLA crossover 50 years ago now. So here's one of his adventures from 73 years back!


  1. One of my personal favorites since I watched him flatten Batman in three or four panels in a JLA/JSA crossover!

  2. "The Man of a Thousand Talents."I read his origin in one of those big reproductions of Golden Age comics they put out in the '70's. A clever origin story by the way, Sloan is rich, bored and ultra-successful. All of which has him so bored he's about to end it all until he finds something interesting to do; his sideline as Mister Terrific! Thanks for posting these!
