Saturday, September 17, 2016

Katy Keene and Smokey Bear-Bill Woggon-1951

Here's an interesting tie-in to the forest fire prevention campaign that was so omnipresent in the '50s and '60s, with its mascot, Smokey Bear. Note also the unusual all-Archie half page that comes after the main story. Smokey would later get his own comic book!


  1. Page one forest creatures and poses by Western Publishing (Age ?), Los Angeles, Calif. So subtle. Now one has to wonder just how many "beautiful" pin-up dolls of Sis were ever sold. The whole "Katy Keene" world was just bizarre.

  2. I skip over the Katy Keene stories when I'm reading old comics online because of the horribly annoying (to me) "credits" to readers re: Katy's "outfits." [This story is fairly light on these, but some are loaded with them.]
    I know this was a thrill to those who saw their name in the comics and promoted reader interaction, but it really bothers me for some reason. And I know Woggon & "Katy Keene" weren't the only offenders, but they were the worst.
