Friday, September 23, 2016

Anniversary-John Romita-1956

Here we see future Spidey artist John Romita a full decade before he took over the webs from Ditko. For that entire ten year period, JR Sr  would toil in romances with a few cowboys here and there early on. Here at Atlas he seems almost a clean, DC-type style. Perhaps that's why most of those romances would ultimately be for National.


  1. It's nice to see you venturing into "Sequential Crush" territory. Would it be safe to say that it was Mr. Romita who first made true GGA an integral part of the superhero genre?

  2. Jacque's got this sort of thing down so I try not to infringe. I don't do a lot of Mort Meskin or Little Lulu or Jack Cole either as there are sites that specialize in them, but they all have turned up here from time to time. As far as your speculation, I'd have to research it but certainly seems a likely possibility.
