Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sugar and Spike-Sheldon Mayer-1956

I just found out that DC is "reviving" Sugar and Spike as adult detectives whose clients include superheroes. Sigh...The original series, which ran nearly the length of the Silver Age, is one of the closest things to a perfect comic book series ever. Here's their very first appearances from 1956, pretty amazing right out of the gate!


  1. "I just found out that DC is "reviving" Sugar and Spike as adult detectives whose clients include superheroes."

    Aren't you supposed to wait till April 1st before posting that?

  2. Thats funny..... especially since Sheldon Mayers birthday is/was April 1, 1917. Thank you for the cool write up on him and Sugar and Spike! Am posting on his Facebook comics page
