Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Pat and Bob

I have no idea exactly what this is other than it's a Disney duck story from Italy. I suspect it's of a fairly recent vintage and has been scanlated into English. No classic characters appear and I have no clue as to the artist. But I do really enjoy the art and it's a cute story. Let me know what you think. 


  1. Just from the art and somewhat busy layout of the panels, I would guess this was a 2000 something comic.

    Plus, the "Pk" next to the page numbers looks an awful like the symbol for a Game Cube video game called Pk Thunder which feature Donald Duck as a superhero. It's possible that this story was from a Pk magazine which I think would tend to support my time frame.

  2. Whatever it is, it's a kick. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Ciao Booksteve,
    according to my research (I don't own the comic in question) Longbow stick is right, this is the second story from Paperinik New Adventures (hence PKNA) by Diego Fasano (story) and Paolo Mottura (art), details here
    Paperinik is the hero identity of Donald (or Paperino as it's called here in Italy) and in his new adventures the setting is somewhat sci-fi.
    By the way if you allow me a bit of nationalistic pride the new (or almost new) disney material from Italy is fantastic! personally I'm getting back to the mouse & ducks stories after 40 years....
    thanks for all yours excellent blogs and a big ciao from Italy
