Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Black Fury and Chuck-Mark Howell-1942

I don't know about the rest of you but this just always makes me laugh. The Black Fury...and CHUCK! "Oh, look! A kid wearing a threatening looking black costume with a skull and crossbones! Who are you, young man?" "Me? Why, I'm...CHUCK!" Hilarious! What were they thinking?


  1. first appearance Fantastic Comics #17 (1940) published by Fox, then Holyoak. created by Dennis Neville.

  2. Which came first, the Black Fury or the Black Terror? Both had black costumes with skull-and-crossbones emblems; both had young sidekicks known only by their first names.
    And wasn't Tarpé Mills' Miss Fury originally called Black Fury?

  3. Black Terror was first by a few months. MISS Black Fury debuted in April of 1941 and the above Black Fury debuted in the April ISSUE of FANTASTIC.

  4. Dude, they teamed the Batman with a kid in an elf suit, which kid they called “Robin”.

    Chuck pales in comparison.
