Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Crime Does Not Pay-Dan Barry-1948

Ever since Les Daniels' COMIX book in 1971, I've liked the CRIME DOES NOT PAY stories featuring Mr. Crime (based on Mr. Coffee Nerves). In fact, I've never understood why they didn't use him as narrative device on all of their stories. Here we see him in a typically wordy tale with the smoother than smooth art of Dan Barry.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Crime was a great host; the skulls for eyes is a fun art twist and the super wide mouth and expressive, large eyes allowed him a large range of facial expressions. That said, the writers always had to carefully thread him pumping criminals up versus "crime never paying." So he often appears to have a huge mood swing at the end of each story.

    Definitely a fun crime story, but it could have lost a good 50% of the text without losing any meaning.
