Friday, July 18, 2014

The Assistant-Frank O'Neal(?)-1962

This may or may not be work by Frank O'Neal, upon whose comics strip, SHORT RIBS, this was based. Looks like his work to me but strip creators were often too busy to do new stories for comic books and thus handed them off to assistants. Whoever did this one was--like many people then--predicting that computers might take our jobs. Noooo! That could never happen!

For more on SHORT RIBS, go here.


  1. Steve - if you are able, I'd love to see a Mr. Terrific story. I've always had a soft spot for the character. I don't have a specific issue in mind; I trust you to pick a good one.

  2. "Steve - if you are able, I'd love to see a Mr. Terrific story."


    "I've always had a soft spot for the character. "

