Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Last Word-Larry Woromay-1952

Larry Woromay was already a pulp artist when the horror craze hot but he took to it well and became, as one can see, influenced by EC's Jack Davis. He actually did at least one story for EC. He continued drawing horror stories for Atlas, Charlton and later, Warren. 


  1. In the post-war period, the pulps were being displaced by mass-market paper-back books (to which many now refer as “pulps”), so Woromay may have especially needed the work.

    Needing the work might also to explain why he later drew for the Eerie Publications of Myron Fass.

  2. A fun Atlas story, with Woromay doing one of his best Davis lifts. Just like Nostrand, it amazing me that you can lift a style that existed because of Davis' amazing speed. One thing I like about this tale is how everybody -- even the supposedly beautiful showgirl -- is pretty misshapen and ugly. It gives the whole proceeding an ugly, dirty vibe.
