Friday, May 30, 2014

The Brain-Sam Kweskin-1957

Unofficial Atlas Week continues here with a lovely post-Code story from Sam Kweskin. I first discovered Sam during his brief return to Marvel in the seventies where he first worked with and then succeeded Bill Everett on SUB-MARINER. A hard act to follow, Kweskin's style never caught on in the Marvel Age and he returned to advertising. Revisiting his early days, one can see he was quite a comics talent in his own right, though!


  1. Those to whom Mnemo sold his brain would have a legal claim against his estate, so either way he died bankrupt. I'm not sure why Mnemo should have thought it better to die a fraud.

  2. I wonder if he was related to musician Jim Kweskin? His style is like a cross between Joe Maneely and Manny Stallman.

    1. Yes. Jim is a distant cousin of mine and dad's. I'm Sam's daughter.
