Sunday, May 25, 2014

Mrs. Lodge-Bob Bolling-1969/1979

At first glance, it's easy to assume that all Archie comics art looks alike. But if you look a but closer, there's quite a bit of diversity available even though the characters adhere to the house style. Bill Vigoda, Harry Lucey and Dan DeCarlo, Sr are usually easy for me to spot but this rare story spotlighting Veronica's mother has me stymied as the art style looks like nothing I've ever seen in an Archie strip. Not even sure when it dates from as this was from a 1979 digest reprint. 

UPDATE: See comments for more info!


  1. Steve,
    The GCD lists this as a reprint from Archie's Pals 'n' Gals #51 (April 1969), with the story by Bob Bolling. Note their comment about "prune fungus".
    Hope this helps!

  2. Thanks! I actually did look it up in GCD but apparently looked at the wrong DIGEST as the one I looked at had no info on anything. Bolling is one whose art I usually DO recognize, too. Ah, well. Thanks again!
