Friday, May 16, 2014

Did You Know That-H.T.Elmo-1933

I know, I know. Not exactly comics ad certainly not in color. That said, I was totally enamored of the H.T. Elmo art in these 1933 movie mag filler pages done in the style of RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT and a dozen other similar movie star variations. Elmo apparently did lots of this type of thing over the years on various subjects.


  1. As you probably know, Elmo ran Lincoln Newspaper Features, for which young Jack Kirby toiled for a spell. His comics were made available to small-town weeklies for decades, such as "Puggy" (a ripoff of kid strips like "Smitty" and "Skippy") and "The Fizzle Family." I once visited the offices of a "shopper" paper in the mid-80s and they had dozens of proofs of those Elmo strips.

  2. I am the granddaughter of HT Elmo and would be interested in obtaining those strips for his museum can you please tell me where they're located thank you...llmeador @

  3. These were found in an online movie mag archive but I don't recall what magazine. There is a lot more about Elmo here--
