Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Gene Tunney-1940s

It's possible that you may never have heard of Jazz Age boxing champ Gene Tunney but in his day, and for a long time afterwards, he was one of the most famous men in America! How famous? Well, famous enough that not one but at least TWO different comic book publishers--neither of them DC-- did THREE different bio-strips of him while Gene himself was a member of DC Comics' Editorial Advisory Board!


  1. The Genes Tunney of three parallel universes! In which one was he a member of the JLA?

  2. He was member of the JLA in the DC universe, of cousre.

    That brings up my comment. As much as I love this blog I have a couple of small criticisms meant in a friendly way. One is I wish you would identify the publishers each time. Most of the time you don't, that's important to me. I'm just a stickler for that kind of thing.

  3. The thinking behind usually NOT naming publishers or titles is that, while most of the material here is in public domain, on occasion I do run stories that are, in fact, still copyrighted. Various other blogs have received cease and desist orders (mainly from Disney/Marvel) for posting their material and at least one similar blog went under recently because of it. My thinking is that if I run a cool fifties or sixties backup story that's not PD, if I don't highlight where it's from, their legal department most likely will have no idea either!

  4. Dear Steven: I've been a follower of your blog for some time, and found many delightful an collectible items there, for which I thank you a lot...
    Now, concerning Gene Tunney and comics, he also appeared in the excellent comic strip "Ben Bolt", when our hero had to retire temporaly from the ring by health reasons, and he wisely advises the champ and also tells him of his personal experiences when he decided to retire. Most touching, and masterfully drawn by John Cullen Murphy at his best (I didn't like the strip as much when Murphy decided to change his style). Please continue sharing those wonderful comics and images with all of us!
