Friday, January 24, 2014

Star-Spangled Kid and the Shining Knight-Part Five of Seven-1944

Sir Justin had a successful retro-revival in Roy Thomas's ALL-STAR SQUADRON more than 3 decades later. Meanwhile, the Kid turned up Gerry Conway's revived JSA strip and was later co-opted by Roy for INFINITY INC.


  1. Steve - I hope you don't mind more requests, but do you own any Genius Jones stories? I understand that many were written by Alfred Bester. I've never come across one.

  2. Sure! We'll get ol' Genius up here soon. In the meantime, here's a story of his, credited to Whitney Ellsworth, posted on our ADVENTURE COMICS blog a couple of hearts back.

  3. Thanks, Steve. Somehow I had missed the story you posted at your other blog. It was very charming!
