Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Yoe Books Presents: Arms of Doom-Rudy Palais-1951

Rudy Palais, rumored to be the subject of the NEXT volume in Yoe Books' and IDW's Chilling Archive of Horror Comics series, was  prolific comic book artist for decades and, in later years, also  friend of Craig Yoe. Here's an example of his striking work.

 Remember,  you can WIN free  the 5 Chilling Archives of Horror collections being given away in conjunction with IDW and Yoe Books! Email us at booksteve@aol.com and tell us YOUR favorite horror artist! Then go to the other sites below and enter again for 5 total chances to win the full set! See the October 17th post for full rules.


  1. Wow! That was some pretty weird stuff. Thanks.

  2. Thanks from me too. As I said in another post this artist has a certain feeling for these kind of subjects. Much obliged for providing us this work.

  3. If one were to view classic illustrated 'Crime and punishment' by this artist one could see very similar work.
