Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Lone Ranger-Tom Gill-1954

No bird on Tonto's head here. Just a faithful Indian companion, a fiery horse with the speed of light and a hearty Hi Yo SILVER! Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear. There's a signpost up ahead. Your next stop...The TWILI....hey, wait.


  1. Funny how, as I imagined the Lone Range speaking, he sounded like Clayton Moore.

  2. I was a youngster when I first heard the Lone Ranger
    on radio in the late-1950s, so in my mind I will always hear the deep, powerful tones of Brace Beemer, the radio announcer who played the Lone Ranger for the the majority of the Radio Serial episodes, from 1941 right up to the last episode recorded in 1954.
    It has been stated that Clayton Moore modified his voice in an effort to approximate Brace Beemer's distinctive resonance in order to make a seamless character cross-over as TV's Lone Ranger. While Clayton Moore was the physical embodiment of the Lone Ranger, for me and my generation Brace Beemer will always be the Voice of “ .. the daring and resourceful masked rider of the plains leading the never-ending fight for law and order in the early West.”
    Equally, Tom Gill’s sensitive illustrative portrayal of the Lone Ranger will never be outdone by any of the comic book artists who may follow in his footsteps.
