Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Love Today, Cry Tomorrow-Win Mortimer/Wallace Wood-1969

With his smooth style and his amazing skill at drawing pretty girls, Wally Wood would have seemed a natural for romance comics but he really never did many. There were a handful in the early fifties, almost always with a co-artist like Harrison or Orlando and then nothing until a very few for DC in the late sixties/early seventies, including this one with strong inks over romance regular Win Mortimer's pencils.


  1. I disegni sono splendidi, ma sicuro che sono di Wallace Wood?
    A prima vista ho pensato a John Romita sr.
    Ma di chiunque siano hanno uno stile che sfiora la perfezione.
    Grazie di averli pubblicati.

  2. Definitely Wood. By this time Romita was Art Director at Marvel.

  3. My brain almost can't handle seeing Wood's inks over Mortimer's telltale poses. The result isn't bad; it's just that they're both so distinct. Also, Dane on the last page to me strongly resembles Dick Grayson in Cardy or Kane/Cardy Teen Titans.
