Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Keri Krane-Dick Briefer-1948

Some great stylized art here from FRANKENSTEIN's Dick Briefer. Not sure who the guy is patterned after  (Dan Duryea maybe?) but it's fairly obvious that the girl is supposed to be Katherine Hepburn. 

1 comment:

  1. I've always loved Katherine (and can't imagine a movie buff who doesn't), so the combination of Hepburn and Briefer would've been plenty...but the chemistry Briefer creates between Keri and Andy, Keri's breezy handling of all the wolves around her, and the breakneck pacing of the story are sheer delights.

    Briefer gives Keri just enough emotion to make her human...and more than enough "tough broad" to make her cool.

    Just looking at the closer views on Page Two, I'd hazard a guess that Andy is either Jimmy Stewart or an amalgam of Stewart and Fred MacMurray.

    Thanks (again) for posting this beautiful bit o'Briefer!!
