Friday, November 2, 2012

Dizzy Dog-Sheldon Mayer-1950

Here's some more glorious cartooning from Sheldon Mayer, the man who according to legend suggested to Max Gaines that DC publish Superman, the man who created the original Red Tornado as well as The Black Orchid forty years later. And that's not even mentioning his wonderful funny animal work and his masterpieces, SCRIBBLY and SUGAR AND SPIKE! If you're on Facebook, there's a new FB group devoted to Mayer and his work-- 

1 comment:

  1. Initially, I thought that the last page had been omitted here; but, as you pointed-out to me elsewhere, the final panel has a little “The End” in the lower left-hand corner.

    Still, it seems to me as if the story was originally supposed to go for one more page, with the goose (?) deciding that he could not re-adjust to life with a straight neck, &c.
