Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Quick Colt Killer-Gerald McCann-1952

Nothing too special in this pre-code cowboy tale but I really like the art and know nothing of this artist other than he's credited with inking for the great Everett Raymond Kinstler on some Avon stories. On his own, I can see Kinstler's influence but Gerald McCann's art reminds me here of the work of Angelo Torres or George Woodbridge. A little of Doug Wildey or the young Gray Morrow, too.  


  1. Thanks so much for posting, Steven! Gerald was my grandfather. Never saw this stuff before. More familiar with the paintings he did later in life.

    1. Hi Tim McCann,
      I am a children's book collector seeking more information on Gerald McCann who illustrated " The Dana Girls Mystery Stories " - late 50's to early 60's. Trying to gather as much information on the different illustrators of the books as well as Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books.
      Thank you!
      Jim McNamara

  2. You're welcome. If I can find some more scans of his work, I'll run another story by him. Very impressive work.

  3. Seeking more information on Gerald McCann who illustrated "The Dana Girls Mystery Stories" - late 50's to early 60's. Would like to make contact with family. Thank you.

  4. Gerald McCann did comic book art from 1950-1964, plus reprints of some stories in the decades after. For me his best work is in WORLD AROUND US 2-28 (1958-1961) for Gilberton publishing (Classics Illustrated). He also did CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED issues 149 (OFF ON A COMET, Mar 1959), and 154 (CONSPIRACY OF PONTIAC, Jan 1960), and 158 (THE CONSPIRATORS, Sept 1960).
    He also did movie adaptations in FOUR COLOR COMICS in 1961-1962 for Dell in issues 1227 (MORGAN THE PIRATE), 1232 (ON THE DOUBLE), 1236 (KING OF KINGS), 1250 (FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE), 1251 (EVERYTHING'S DUCKY), 1259 (EL CID), and 1306 (THE CORRUPTORS). Plus several other movie and TV adaptations for Dell.

    The last regular series McCann did was in 1963-1964 in GHOST STORIES 1-5 for Dell. In most of these McCann did all the art, 20 to 32 pages per issue. GhOST STORIES 21-25 (1968-1970) reprint issues 1-5 in their entirety, including covers.

    McCann did a total of about 200 stories in comics from 1950-1967. He excelled at drawing historical period art, whether western stories, vikings, pirates, war stories, romance, jets, space,across the spectrum. The WORLD AROUND US series and movie adaptations show him at his best, in issues that also have stories by artists like Everett Raymond Kinstler, Gray Morrow, Sam Glanzman, Al Williamson, and Bill Everett, who he is on a par with. I'm amazed McCann's name isn't better known in comics, he did some great work.
