Saturday, February 25, 2012

Shock Gibson-Al Bryant-1942

 For Daniel. Not the best scans ever but I've straightened and color-corrected as much as possible to present this favorite story of Harvey's SHOCK GIBSON by Al Bryant. Looks like Al forgot to draw his hero's mask in the otherwise splendid splash but the colorist attempted (poorly) to make up for it.

And don't forget! There's still time to vote for FOUR-COLOR SHADOWS in this year's RONDO AWARDS!

1 comment:

  1. Bryant was also inconsistent with the swastika on the villain's chest.

    When I look at such work as the Sally O'Neil story that you presented last fall or the Steele Kerrigan story that you offered before that, I'm charmed the combined effect of great talent and early golden-age tropes.

    Beyond just lack of, er, uniform uniformity, this Shock Gibson story is less careful than most of Bryant's work that I've seen. I wonder if Bryant had trouble investing himself in a story with such underlying silliness. In any case, it's still far better than most of the work that one would have found on the racks in that year.

    As I've remarked to you elsewhere, I'd love to see an Al Bryant archive.
