Sunday, November 7, 2010

His Secret Shame-Archie's Mad House-1961

ARCHIE'S MADHOUSE (often spelled MAD HOUSE) was that company's version of the Kurtzman-style lampoon comic that every other company seems to have done a few years earlier. Archie waited and then initially spoofed their own product. That ran dry pretty quickly though and sights were set on various pop culture and teenage interests--monster movies, TV westerns, rock and roll music. It worked, too! By keeping more or less current on the trends the title would ultimately last more than a decade through various changes. Orlando Busino was a major early contributor. For much of its run, writer George Gladir and artist Joe Edwards dominated the pack but there were always other, uncredited creators involved , also. Not certain who this early piece is by but it made me LOL. Watch for Craig Yoe's BEST OF ARCHIE'S MAD HOUSE coming in 2011!


  1. From the B.W. signature on the splash panel, I'd suggest Bob White as the artist.

  2. Duh. Don't know how I missed that! And for some reason I keep forgetting Bob White even though he was a major player in Archie history for many years!
