Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Here Is My Heart-George Evans-1953

Without an airplane in sight, here's a signed George Evans romance story from 1953. While the art is certainly serviceable, it is not exactly riveting storytelling. It was still early in Evans' career, however, and his true forte would shine through as soon as someone gave him stories with airplanes. From EC's ACES HIGH, Warren's BLAZING COMBAT and much later DC's BLACKHAWK, Evans positively excelled at planes. He also replaced Al Williamson on SECRET AGENT CORRIGAN and ended up up drawing it even longer than his fellow EC alum.

UPDATE: While every compliment given George Evans above is certainly due, the very knowledgable Ger Apeldoorn informs that this is actually by GIL Evans. Umm...oops!

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry, but this is by Gil Evans. See Atlas Tales for more of his credits.
