Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Freshman Freddy-Brenda Starr-1955

The art style looks a bit familiar here but no definite bells ring. What I found most interesting about this Charlton story was the opening panel in which we see our hero, Freshman Freddy, reading a copy of WHIZ COMICS and even name-checking Captain Marvel! Cap, of course, was a Fawcett character, NOT a Charlton character. In fact, by the time this issue of BRENDA STARR (made up mostly of reprints of Dale Messick's newspaper strip) came out in 1955, it had been more than a year since the Big Red Cheese had ceased publication entirely! Turns out that FRESHMAN FREDDY had originally been a Fawcett strip that began nearly a decade earlier. This particular story had actually seen print in WHIZ back in 1950. Other FRESHMAN FREDDY tales popped up as filler in various Charlton titles of this period.

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